Summer Sermon Series:

Urgent Graphic

God has done so much for us.
Luke’s Gospel shows us what God expects of us in return.

“What does the Lord require of you?”
-Micah 6:8


When we see a red stamp like the one pictured above on a piece of mail, we know that the sender of that envelope wants us to respond to the message inside it.  God’s word calls for an urgent response in the way we live our lives as well.

Beginning on Sunday, July 10th we will begin a new Summer Sermon Series entitled “Urgent: Action Required.”  This four-part series will focus on some well-known stories in Luke’s Gospel that remind us of all that God has done for us, but will also helps us see what actions God requires of us in return.  You are invited to join us each Sunday morning at 11:00 am in the sanctuary as we explore the stories of the Good Samaritan, Mary and Martha, the Persistent Friend, and the Rich Fool.

We also have some special music planned that will accompany the messages.  If you miss a Sunday, the audio mp3 of the service will be available for download or streaming from our Worship Service Archive section of the website.  Bring a friend with you as we learn together from God’s word.  May the peace of Christ be with you.
