Christmas at Asbury

Christmas Mission Opportunities

  • Our annual Mitten Tree will be up in the sanctuary during Advent. We invite you to put gloves, mittens, scarves, hats, or blankets on it—anything to keep people warm. They will be given to a local charity.
  • We will have our giving opportunity for children at Ira B. Jones Elementary School again this year. There will be cards on the church tree for you to take. Please to be sure to indicate the number of the card you take on the sheet provided. There will be clothing cards and wish-list cards available. We will also be gathering boxes of non-perishable food to help see the children’s families through the Christmas break. Thanks for your continued help with the Missions Committee projects!
  • The offering received during our Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service will be given to the ABCCM Fuel Fund to help the needy pay for their heating costs. Please give generously.  If you would like your offering to go to Asbury instead, please be sure to mark your check or envelope accordingly.